The contacts of Celebrantelaica.it
Sharing information is the basis of any success story
The organization of any event involves the careful planning and organization of every single moment of it.
Turning to a Celebrant who can listen to your needs and communicate his/her ideas is essential for the success of the Ceremony.
Our beautiful Sicily is full of fantastic locations where you can organize and carry out unforgettable ceremonies: Messina, Taormina, Catania, Syracuse, Palermo, Ragusa, Trapani are the provinces where I work, and if you are thinking of organizing a ceremony, a wedding, any event, or simply want some information about the work I do, contact me!.

Rita Ziino Celebrante Laica
Via Nazionale 241 - 98040 - Torregrotta (ME)
Contact Me
If you dream of a unique and personalized non-traditional ceremony, if you want to learn more about symbolic or civil rituals, or if you are looking for a professional lay celebrant in Sicily or Calabria, contact me.
You can do this by filling out the form below or through one of the social links.
I will be happy to reply giving you all the information you need.
I will be happy to reply giving you all the information you need.