Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
From the simplest questions to technical queries, on this page I will try to give you simple and targeted answers.
If you are interested in Secular Rituals and Ceremonies, on this page you will find answers to all those questions that plague us before and during the organization of a Wedding or a Ceremony.
I have tried to answer those questions that are most frequently asked during the meetings that precede the drafting of a ceremony.
If you cannot find an answer, or you want to delve into a topic, do not hesitate to contact me.
Who can officiate a civil marriage or union?
What is a symbolic ceremony?
Is the Laic Ceremony legally valid?
Where can we celebrate our marriage or civil union?
Where can a Laic Ceremony be celebrated?
How to choose the right Celebrant?
Can a laic celebrant conduct a civil ceremony with legal value?
Is it possible to request authorization for a location to celebrate our marriage or civil union?
What does laic ceremony mean?
Contact Me
If you dream of a unique and personalized non-traditional ceremony, if you want to learn more about symbolic or civil rituals, or if you are looking for a professional lay celebrant in Sicily or Calabria, contact me.
You can do this by filling out the form below or through one of the social links.
I will be happy to reply giving you all the information you need.
I will be happy to reply giving you all the information you need.