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Rita Ziino - Secular Celebrant

Rita Ziino - Secular Celebrant

TAG: civil-marriage

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Rita Ziino - Secular Celebrant

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From Faq

The civil marriage or union ceremony is officiated by the Civil Status Officer, who must wear the tricolor sash. This function directly involves the Mayor.
For your marriage to be considered **legally valid**, the Marriage Act must be registered, and the signatures of the spouses, witnesses, Mayor, or a delegate must be recorded in a municipal register.
A civil wedding can only be celebrated at the Municipality or in authorized locations recognized as **“Municipal House”** in the presence of the Mayor, a Civil Status Officer, or someone directly delegated by the Mayor.
Yes, after obtaining the delegation from the Mayor.
NO! Because the authorization is not given for a single civil marriage or civil union, but to the location.

Who I am

Rita Ziino

Rita Ziino

Hi, I'm Rita. I live in Sicily, in the province of Messina, and I am a Secular Celebrant. When I organize a ceremony for a wedding or an event, I feel in my element. Narrating a story means gently stepping into a relationship to capture its emotions and celebrate its feelings.


Contact Me

If you dream of a unique and personalized non-traditional ceremony, if you want to learn more about symbolic or civil rituals, or if you are looking for a professional lay celebrant in Sicily or Calabria, contact me.

You can do this by filling out the form below or through one of the social links.
I will be happy to reply giving you all the information you need.
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