The Light Ritual

Light Ritual
Also known as the "candle ritual", it is very evocative, especially if the ceremony takes place after sunset.
The couple, each holding a lit candle, will light a larger candle in the center of the table.
Like the sand ritual, this is also a ritual of "union".
Two people each bring their own flame and together light one that unites them. The gestures will be accompanied by a text that talks about the symbolism of fire and light.
The flame of your love that illuminates and warms.
The flame of a candle that can be lit in the future, for example on an anniversary, or whenever you feel inspired to do so.
As a Celebrant, I like to involve the parents in this ritual, who will light their child's candle and hand it over, as a flame that originates from them.
Contact Me
If you dream of a unique and personalized non-traditional ceremony, if you want to learn more about symbolic or civil rituals, or if you are looking for a professional lay celebrant in Sicily or Calabria, contact me.
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I will be happy to reply giving you all the information you need.